MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR is a biotechnology product absent of any type of hormones and residues, which due to its form of action affects the transformation of the chloroplasts of the fruit skin and intensifies the internal organoleptic conditions of the fruit (flavors, Brix degrees, contrast flavor etc.). At the same time, it increases its firmness and lengthens its post-harvest useful life.
MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR is a product that affects the physiological processes of ripening:
- Chlorophyll degradation and appearance of yellow pigments called carotenes; and red, called anthocyanins.
- Degradation of the pectin that forms the structure.
- Transformation of starch into sugars and decrease in acidity, as well as loss of astringency.
Its application enhances the color change in the skin, intensifying the original color tones of each variety.
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