Persimmons advancing at a brisk pace


Persimmon is a crop where the most important fattening moment occurs in August. The crop fattens the fruits sequential and independently of the number the tree has. In other words, we can have a tree with a light load of fruits and yet end up with insufficient caliber. This is because the plant, instead of accumulating reserves in fruit, allocates these reserves to other needs.

Persimmon crop has a high profitability if high sizes and tight fruits of good consistency that achieve a long post-harvest life are obtained.


Our customers’ persimmons are beginning to take size and it is time to help them get the right size.

1. Either with SUPER ENGORDE CAQUI applied in two contributions, via root application as in the crop of the following images:

2. Or, as in this case, a traditional blanket irrigation field (without localized irrigation lines), with several consecutive applications of MADUR FRUIT FOLIAR.

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