EDYMAG Magnesium Nitrate Solution


Magnesium deficiency corrector with ease of assimilation.


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EDYMAG is a combination of mineral elements (N and Mg) of quick assimilation by plants and highly mobile ion Magnesium through the SAP, at the same time acting as a activator resulting in a rapid and lasting effect.

Magnesium influences the mobilization and uptake of Phosphorus, is involved in energy metabolism, Lipids (oils), Xanthophyll, Carotenes, etc

EDYMAG increases chlorophyll in the crop and generates an excellent anti-stress effect if applied before heat stroke and / or periods of excessive solar incidence.


  • Nitric Nitrogen                                                    9.8% w/v         7.0% w/w
  • Magnesium oxide (MgO) soluble in water   13.3% w/v       9.50% w/w


  • pH: 4
  • Density: 1.4 Kg / L
  • Water soluble liquid.


It is indicated to be applied in vegetables, citrus, fruit trees, ornamental… as source of Magnesium for crops very demanding in this element (potatoes, artichokes, oranges, lemons, etc.); and as maintenance for any other crop, where a good formation of chlorophyll is needed.


Foliar Application:

  • from 0.2-0,3% (200-300 c.c/Hl.), being able to increase the dose to 0,5% (500 c.c./Hl.) in cases of accused, repeating several times.

Radicular Application:

  • Localized irrigation: 15 to 40 L./ha.
  • Cover irrigation: 25 to 60 L./ha.

Berries, Persimon, Cítricos, Fruit Trees, Hortalizas, Corn, Olive trees, Ornamental plants, Subtropical, Vid


Deficiencies of micronutrients, Nutritional imbalances, Lack of size and density of the fruits, Stress situations

Phenological State

Sprouting, Thickening, Flowering / Fruit setting, Start of the vegetative activity

Container Type

5 L, 20 L

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