Bringing the crop back into production


In this plot of mandarins, early Clemenpons variety, we found a male sprouting that on the 3rd of April presented a very bad prognosis as many of the new leaves had almost no flowers.


In order to bring the trees back to a productive situation, we have carried out a stimulation treatment with AMINOPLUS. This is a special bio-regulator based on vitamin M whose action is to bring the spring sprouting of citrus fruit from an extreme situation to a balanced sprouting which we call “bell flower”. In this situation, each flower is accompanied by 3-6 leaves which, during the formation and development of the fruit, will supply it with carbohydrates generated in the daily photosynthesis. With this solution, the results were already visible on the 18th of April with new buds with bell-shaped flowers.

The trees now have a lot of fruit and we have to support them with hormone-free maturation treatments to increase their size and organoleptic quality.

These treatments, two of which are planned, will include MAX QUALITY, CA-FRUIT and microelements to achieve a perfect nutritional balance for the trees.


This is an example of the application of EDYPRO biotechnology in which we have gone from a forecast of 4 fruits per tree to an acceptable production. And something fundamental is that the work has been carried out without the use of hormonal substances, a more optimal situation for the tree and for the quality of the fruit.

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