Biotechnology in PRI-23 variety


The following images show plots of citrus variety Clemenrubi Pri-23 treated with biotechnology products EDYPRO, highlighting the performance of:

With radicular applications of COUPE REGENERACION Plus has unlocked the ground, increasing the cation exchange and moving the accumulated toxic salts. With ORGANOVITAL PLUS we have stimulated the generation of new roots, giving the tree a wonderful color and increased accentuated caliber.


With applications of AMINOPLUS  we have achieved an excellent mixed sprouting, flowering avoiding excesive flowering amd  ALGATRON standardized fruit size allowing us to work with fruits of first flowering.

In the images we can see that, between the two dates, the trees have improved very importantly, taking excellent color and causing a sharp floral differentiation and increased caliber. At this time the first flower fruits are well advanced and will begin treatments early Fruit Maturation Without Hormones fruits to eliminate second and third flower that neglect to reduce the costs of manual fruit thinning.


Checking the response of the trees to the treatments for Fruit Maturation Without Hormones, our client is surprised and very pleased with the evolution of the fruits. One of the most important products in the treatment that activates the process of thickening before the state of the physiological fall ends is MAX QUALITY (EDYFRUIT ENGORDE) that achieves uniform caliber and improves quality characteristics.


In the following photos you can see the status of fruit and trees in this moment.

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