Solution to excess flowering in olive groves


An excess of blossom with a low number of new leaves will cause stress to the tree, requiring more carbohydrates than it can generate with the unrenewed leaf mass. Moreover, if a good thinning is not achieved in the physiological fall, this will end up limiting the thickening and accumulation of fatty acids in the olives.

In addition, the excess of fruit this year may be a cause of marked alternate bearing next year.


EDYPRO recommends this hormone-free fruit thinning treatment, which will help to reduce the number of fruits per tree and activate the renewal of the leaf mass.

  • ENDOFOSTEC            4  L. x 1000 L.
  • NITROPLUS                4  L. x 1000 L.
  • MAX QUALITY          3  L. x 1000 L.
  • HYDROCAL                 3  L. x 1000 L.
  • ZIMA-L MAX            2,5 L. x 1000 L.
  • MELASTOP               1,5  L. x 1000 L.

For more details about the treatment, do not hesitate to contact us.

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