How to maintain the nutritional balance in the greenhouse crops?

The correct growth of plants and crops depends on their nutritional balance both in macronutrients, elements needed in relatively abundant quantities, and micronutrients, those essential elements for plants to complete their life cycle, even if the necessary amounts of them are small.

As most of these nutrients are provided by the roots, the assimilation capacity in the soil and the balance of the elements are decisive so that the excess of some elements does not block the assimilation of others. That is why there are elements that together produce antagonism and others that instead produce synergies.

Therefore, the key point is to have a high cation exchange capacity that ensures the transformation of nutrients into assimilable chemical form.

After transplantation in the rooting phase one of the greatest difficulties that crops have is to take the rhythm of adequate nutrition. If you start by adding conventional mineral fertilizers, problems of increased conductivity of the bulb water appear and consequently loss of absorbent hairs and root system.

For this reason, it is very important at this time to work with great caution to facilitate the rooting of the plants and their optimal development.

We recommend applying FER ECOLOGICO 5-10 L./ha. weekly to provide the plant with the necessary elements while maintaining the EC level in the water at adequate values.

FER ECOLOGICO belongs to a new generation of Non Residue products developed by EDYPRO based on organic matter whose properties are of utmost importance for the correct evolution of the crop. It is a fertilizer designed for use in organic farming crops as a source of very assimilable nutrients in the clay-humic complex.

Its specific formulation provedies it with a magnificent assimilation and improves significantly when it comes to a soil with a slightly acidic pH. Provides organic matter (50.5%), Organic Carbon (29.3%), Humic Acids (27.4%), Organic Nitrogen and Potassium Oxide. And it is a formulation of maximum purity.

It is normal for macroelements to be applied correctly, at adequate and sufficient levels. However, sometimes you tend to forget some of them that are of vital importance such as Calcium.

Calcium is part of the plastic material of the fruit and is needed to thicken the fruit. When we have a lack of Calcium available in the plant we have a configuration of fruits with morphological imperfections.

For these occasions, at EDYPRO we have developed CA-FRUIT, a biotechnological formulation configured by a new molecule that acts in two ways; with a rapid assimilation and deposited in the structure of the plant tissue and symbiosis in the increase of the osmotic potential that optimizes the lignification of the fruit skin.

CA-FRUIT is a calcium of maximum assimilation for radicular application that is deposited directly in the developing fruits. With this, we avoid some alterations that can be very subtle since they are not very striking. We refer for example to the thickness of the pericarp of a pepper or pulp of tomato, the consistency of a cucumber, or the firmness of an eggplant.

In this type of crops we must also be able to warn that even if we apply a mix of microelements, there may be a deficiency in some of them. If there is a lack of two or three elements, which are usually lacking, we have to be consistent and correct them before these deficiencies significantly affect the crop.

For this, at EDYPRO we have developed ZIMA MAX FIERRO, a corrector Zinc, Manganese and Iron deficiencies with rapid assimilation and direct action in the prevention of the lack of these elements.

This biotechnological solution applied at small doses (around 10 L./ha.), performing the necessary applications during the crop cycle and starting them from the beginning of the cultivation, will result in a plant with high levels of Zinc, Manganese and Iron so that there is a balance between these three microelements.

The result of this combination of EDYPRO biotechnological solutions are very strong and robust plants with a great productive potential at full performance to achieve fruits of the highest quality.

In addition, an essential element for a good photosynthetic activity is Magnesium, which is part of chlorophyll.

If you want more advice on how to achieve a perfect nutritional balance with EDYPRO solutions, do not hesitate to contact us here.

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