Benefits of eating oranges and tangerins (and more if they are national)

Eating oranges and tangerines has always been considered a healthy habit. We all know the many health benefits of consuming fruit. Moreover, if we eat seasonal fruit, we are also benefiting the environment and our closest producers.

The tangerine and orange season in our country begins in September and ends in June. They are, then, two fruits that we can find in the supermarket for many months. Some varieties, due to their skin, have a great conservation capacity and can last in perfect conditions for a long time. This aspect is essential to reduce food waste for if the fruit does not spoil, we will not have to throw it away.

In addition, Spain leads the European ranking for the production and export of oranges. Therefore, when we make the purchase and we verify that we acquire a national product, we guarantee, as well as our health, the purchase of a safe product that is responsible for an important part of the country’s economy.

National citrus fruits are controlled by high standards of quality and sustainability, superior to those of other producing countries outside the European Union.

And what do they bring us from a nutritional point of view?

Both fruits are low in calories and low in fat. They are rich in C vitamin, a compound that favors the absorption of iron. They also contain notable amounts of folic acid and provitamin A. In addition, they provide some carotenoids that help in the prevention of different types of cancer and the protection against cardiovascular diseases.

Finally, it should be noted that they contain soluble fiber (orange to a greater extent than tangerine). This component favors the reduction of cholesterol levels and blood glucose, and enhances the proper functioning of the intestinal flora.

But the most important thing is that they are delicious. Although the predominant flavor changes from one variety to another, both orange and tangerine tend to have a balance between sweetness and acidity.

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