Recovery of the essential nutritional balance in an express way


The deficiencies of microelements in vegetables are of enormous importance not only in the correct development of the plant, but also in its productive potential and the ability to accumulate reserves inside the fruits.

Therefore, it is important to correct them as quickly as possible to avoid losses of productive potential.


We present the excellent results obtained with a single foliar application of ZIMA MAX FIERRO (our novel corrector with very high assimilation) mixed with pesticides on cucumber Litoral variety in the Almería area.

Below, we detail the levels before application and after applying the product.

Análsisi foliar antes de aplicar ZIMA MAX FIERRO

Análisis foliar después de aplicar ZIMA MAX FIERRO

It should be noted that the product has iron and has not left any type of stain either on the leaves or on the fruits; aspect that farmers are very concerned about.


In the images that we show above you can see the analysis results of the three elements that ZIMA MAX FIERRO provides before application and after a single foliar application.

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