Rice Crop in Italy 2015

Italy is the largest rice producer in Europe, with large areas of cultivation.

For some years, EDYPRO is present in these Italian lands, applying its biotechnology products adapted to rice.

The images of the excellent results obtained in 2015 are shown below:

Cerere variety. On 04/25/2015 is planted in dry and treated with ROOT RICE. Photo on 08/07/2015. It is observed that the root system of the treated plant has longer, stronger and healthier roots and leaves, which have a larger, undamaged, and longer.

Cerere rice variety in the Italy area. Seeds treated with ROOT RICE on 05/10/2015. A month later, they have a cleaner and stronger root system. It is clearly visible as the effect of punishment of theherbicide into the root system, is much lower in the Treated than in the Control.

Cerere rice variety in the Italy area. Seeds treated with ROOT RICE on 10/05/2015. A month later, they have a cleaner and stronger root system.

Cerere rice variety in the Italy area. Seeds treated with ROOT RICE on 10/05/2015.A month later, they presented a strong root system,generating a larger, better coloration (morechlorophyll) and stronger than the plant plant control.

Terra rice variety (similar to the variety Selenium, with mean grain size). The plant treated with EDYFRUIT ARROZ presents a cleaner and healthier root system, with stronger roots and more of godchildren, being planted eight days after the witness

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