EDYPRO InnovaQ 2011 Award finalist

EDYPRO is the InnovaQ Award finalist, due to our innovative nature and our promotion of sustainability, as well as our high potential impact in the market and in the improvement of the competitiveness of the company.

The business of the industry chemical Spanish Federation (FEIQUE), representative of an industry that generates 10% of the Industrial GDP and leads the investment in I+D+i (Research, development and innovation) in Spain, starts up along with consultant engineering and architecture impulse and IESE Business School, the first edition of the InnovaQ Award TO THE INNOVATION BUSINESS IN THE SECTOR CHEMICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES. This award aims to recognise the best innovative project developed by a small or medium company of chemical industry and life sciences sector.

The jury, composed of prominent members of the Spanish political, scientific, academic, and business scope of recognized prestige appreciated EDYFRUIT ARROZ as a project:

  • For its contribution in economic profitability for the rice producers.
  • Framed in an entrepreneurial culture that encourages the generation of innovative and sustainable products, processes, services and management practices.
  • With innovative and original character to provide new solutions.
  • With impact in economic, environmental and social aspects.

EDYPRO biotecnologia, a benchmark organization in biotech research for agriculture at the national and international levels.

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